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第一章 总 则

第一条 为了加强和规范劳动能力鉴定管理工作,切实维护用人单位和从业人员的合法权益,根据《工伤保险条例》(国务院令第375号)、海南省人民代表大会常务委员会制定的《海南经济特区工伤保险若干规定》及《海南经济特区工伤保险实施办法》(省政府令第186 号)的有关规定,结合本省实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称的劳动能力鉴定,是指从业人员无论何种原因导致劳动功能发生障碍,由劳动能力鉴定委员会根据用人单位、从业人员或者其亲属的申请,组织劳动能力鉴定医学专家,根据国家制定的评残标准,确定其劳动能力丧失程度的一种综合评定制度。

第三条 本省行政区域内的国家机关、事业单位、社会团体、民办非企业单位、各类企业、个体工商户以及灵活就业等从业人员的劳动能力鉴定适用本办法。

第四条 省级和各市、县、自治县、农垦、洋浦经济开发区分别建立由人事劳动保障行政部门、卫生行政部门、工会组织、工伤保险经办机构、医疗机构代表以及用人单位代表组成的劳动能力鉴定委员会。


第五条 劳动能力鉴定委员会的职责:





第六条 劳动能力鉴定委员会办公室的职责:






第七条 劳动能力鉴定标准按照《劳动能力鉴定职工工伤与职业病致残等级》(国家标准GB/T16180-2006)和《职工非因工伤残或者因病丧失劳动能力程度鉴定标准(试行)》执行。国家有新标准的,按新标准执行。

第二章 劳动能力鉴定受理范围

第八条 省级劳动能力鉴定委员会受理范围:





第九条 各市、县、自治县、农垦、洋浦经济开发区劳动能力鉴定委员会受理范围:




第三章 劳动能力鉴定范围和申请

第十条 劳动能力鉴定范围包括:







第十一条 用人单位、从业人员或者其直系亲属(统称为申请人)具有劳动能力鉴定的申请资格。申请人在申请劳动能力鉴定时,应当出具相关材料证明申请人资格。

第十二条 从业人员因伤(病)在规定的医疗期满或者经治疗伤(病)情处于相对稳定状态时,申请人可向劳动能力鉴定委员会申请劳动能力鉴定。

第十三条 申请人申请劳动能力鉴定,应当按规定提供如下材料:







第十四条 劳动能力鉴定委员会办公室应当在收到申请材料之日起5个工作日内,决定是否受理劳动能力鉴定申请,并书面通知申请人。



第四章 劳动能力医学技术鉴定

第十五条 劳动能力鉴定委员会按照《工伤保险条例》的要求建立医疗卫生专家库。列入专家库的医疗卫生专业技术人员应当具备如下条件:





第十六条 劳动能力鉴定医疗机构由劳动能力鉴定委员会指定。劳动能力鉴定委员会从医疗卫生专家库中随机抽取3名或者5名相关专业的专家组成专家组。


第十七条 进行劳动能力鉴定时,被鉴定人凭劳动能力鉴定委员会办公室开具的医学技术鉴定介绍信,接规定的时间,到指定的医疗机构进行医学技术鉴定。

第十八条 专家组的鉴定专家在接到医学技术鉴定委托后,要依据国家的鉴定标准结合申请人的伤病情况,及时、科学、公正地对被鉴定人进行医学技术鉴定。通过临床检查和诊断,作出劳动功能障碍伤残等级和生活自理障碍等级的医学技求鉴定意见。

第五章 劳动能力鉴定及结论

第十九条 劳动能力鉴定医疗机构应当及时将医学技术鉴定意见送达劳动能力鉴定委员会办公室。


第二十条 劳动能力鉴定委员会根据医学技术鉴定意见对被鉴定人的伤(病)情况进行综合评定,作出劳动能力鉴定结论。



第二十一条 劳动能力鉴定委员会根据鉴定专家作出的医学要求鉴定意见以集体讨论、表决的方式评定劳动功能障碍伤残等级和生活自理障碍等级。评定意见不一致时,应当以2/3以上与会人员的一致意见作为鉴定结论。


第二十二条 省级、海口市、三亚市劳动能力鉴定委员会对规定受理范围的伤(痛)残人员的劳动功能障碍伤残等级和生活自理障碍等级予以确认。

其他市、县、自治县、农垦、洋浦经济开发区劳动能力鉴定委员会鉴定为劳动功能障碍伤残等级7 -10级、因病大部分丧失劳动能力和部分丧失劳动能力的,由本级劳动能力鉴定委员会直接作出鉴定结论;鉴定为劳动功能障碍伤残等级l -6级、因病完全丧失劳动能力的,应当将申请表及申请人提供的全部原始资料报省级劳动能力鉴定委员会审核。

第二十三条 有下列情况之一的,申请鉴定的单位或者个人可以在收到该鉴定结论之日起15日内向省级劳动能力鉴定委员会提出再次鉴定申请:




第二十四条 劳动能力鉴定结论作出之日起1年后,用人单位、从业人员或其直系亲属以及社会保险经办机构认为伤(病)情况发生变化的,可以申请劳动能力复查鉴定。

第六章 监督管理

第二十五条 劳动能力鉴定委员会有关人员和参加医学技术鉴定的鉴定专家与当事人有利害关系的,应当回避。

第二十六条 任何组织和个人对劳动能力鉴定工作中的违法、违纪行为,有权向有关部门举报。

第二十七条 鉴定专家弄虚作假的,劳动能力鉴定委员会不得再聘任,并向其所在单位提出给予处分的建议。

第二十八条 参加工伤保险的从业人员被认定为因工伤残或者职业病的,进行劳动能力鉴定所需的费用,从工伤保险基金中列支;未参加工伤保险的从业人员被认定为因工伤残或者职业病的,进行劳动能力鉴定所需费用,由用人单位承担。因病或者非因工伤残进行劳动能力鉴定所需费用,由申请人承担。



第二十九条 劳动能力鉴定费的收费标准,由省物价部门会同省财政部门制定。从工伤保险基金列支的劳动能力鉴定费用,按规定的标准支付。

第三十条 劳动能力鉴定费用于以下项目支出:








第七章 附 则

第三十一条 本办法由省劳动能力鉴定委员会负责解释。

第三十二条 本办法自公布之日起施行,2001年7月9日海南省人民政府办公厅印发的《海南省劳动能力鉴定管理办法》(琼府办[2001]54号)同时废止。







Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved and promulgated by the State Council on March 26, 1979)
In order to carry out the general task of the new period and to shift the
focus of the work on to the track of socialist modernization, foreign
trade should be greatly expanded and developed. Exports must be greatly
increased for the purpose of introducing new technology and importing
equipment in complete sets. All departments concerned and all regions
should try their best and use every possible means to develop the
production of export commodities; while tapping fully the domestic
potentials for increasing the sources of export commodities, raw materials
and technology from abroad should be utilized fully so as to bring into
full play the domestic production capacity, to devote major efforts to the
promotion of exports by importation and to expand export trade extensively
and in a flexible way, thus increasing foreign exchange earnings, and
strengthening the country's paying capability in foreign exchange.
1. The scope of promoting exports through importation:
(1) to import materials for processing, including the importation of all
raw and semifinished materials or key raw and semifinished materials, and
to process them into finished products for export;
(2) to import main component parts or fittings, and to process and
assemble them into finished products for export; for example, to import
ships' main engines or instruments for assembling vessels for export;
(3) to mainly use home-produced raw and semifinished materials, and import
auxiliary materials, then to process them into finished products for
export; and (4) to import animal feeds, fertilizers, seeds, and breeding
stocks, and to use them in growing and breeding occupations, then to use
the animal, farm, and side-line products and local specialties for export;
or to exchange imported commodities for home-produced farm and side-line
products and local specialties, and to use them for export.
2. With respect to the raw, semifinished and auxiliary materials now
supplied domestically for the production of export commodities, such
supplies shall be guaranteed through the current supplying channel of
materials and shall not be reduced or cut; the materials which can be
supplied domestically shall not be imported or their importation shall be
reduced. After the implementation of the policy of promoting exports by
imports, various departments and areas, which are at present supplying
commodities for export, shall maintain a normal increase in export with
the development of production.
3. The commodities manufactured under the policy of promoting exports by
importation, shall be marketable on the international market;
profitable in earning foreign exchange; up to the quality standards for
export; and can be manufactured domestically with a guarantee for the
supply of fuels and power.
4. The amount of foreign exchange needed for carrying out the policy of
promoting exports by importation shall be included in the state plan for
the allocation of foreign exchange for imports, which shall be executed
solely by the Ministry of Foreign Trade. The specific business operations
shall be organized by the head offices of various national import and
export corporations. The bureaus of foreign trade of various provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central
Government shall be responsible for supervising and examining the use of
foreign exchange for promoting exports by importation and the situation of
business operations. Where bank loans in foreign exchange are needed for
commodities for promoting exports by importation, the case shall be
handled in accordance with the measures for granting short-term foreign
exchange loans. With respect to the raw and semifinished materials,
auxiliary materials and other materials supplied by businessmen abroad for
processing on the basis of materials supplied, no matter letters of credit
are mutually opened or not, so long as the payment is not actually
effected in foreign exchange, the aforesaid materials shall not be counted
as the materials used for promoting exports by importation.
5. The commodities for promoting exports by importation shall, after
consultation made by the foreign trade departments with the relevant
regions or departments, be included in the state plans for production and
for foreign trade, and the following principles shall be implemented step
by step; separate plans; direct allocation of materials; production at
designated units and production quota fixed according to sales conditions.
On the condition that the fulfillment of the state plan is guaranteed, if
there still exist production potentials and products marketable on the
international market can be timely exported, then arrangements may be made
for extra exports for promoting exports by importation beyond the plans,
and the foreign trade bureaus of provinces, autonomous regions, or
municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible
for organizing this matter; the foreign exchange needed for the production
shall be allotted specially by the Ministry of Foreign Trade.
6. The materials imported, and the products exported for promoting exports
by importation, shall not be included in the domestic scheme for balanced
distribution; imported materials shall, step by step, be allocated
directly by foreign trade companies to production units, and the products
shall be supplied directly by the production units to foreign trade
companies which shall purchase the products for export.
7. The production of products for promoting exports by importation shall
be arranged on the basis of good quality. For the manufacture of
industrial commodities, only factories with better production conditions
shall be designated specially for the said purpose. With respect to farm
and side-line products and local specialities, the production shall be
developed in the light of local conditions with tracts of land assigned
for the purpose. The aforesaid designation of factories and division of
arable land shall remain relatively stable.
8. In accordance with the principle of "integration of military production
and civil production" and "integration of production in peacetime and that
in wartime", it is imperative to tap the productive potentials of the
military industrial enterprises, and to made full use of these military
industrial enterprises in promoting the production of export commodities
for promoting exports by importation. The prices of export commodities
manufactured by the military industrial enterprises shall be fixed
according to the principle of "same quality, same price" as the export
commodities manufactured by civil enterprises.
9. With respect to industrial commodities for promoting exports by
importation, the foreign trade company and the production or supplying
unit shall conclude and sign an economic contract or agreement, in which
are stipulated their respective obligations. In the event that either of
the two parties fails to execute the said contract or agreement, which
consequently has given rise to economic losses, the violator shall be
liable for compensating for the economic losses.
10. With respect to the farm and side-line products, livestock products
and local specialties for promoting exports by importation, while
arrangements are being made for the importation of animal feeds,
fertilizers, seeds and breeding stocks, the foreign trade company and the
production or supplying unit shall reach an agreement through consultation
concerning the increase of varieties and quantity, the specifications and
quality of the commodities they supply for export, as well as the time for
11. With respect to the industrial products for promoting exports by
importation, the foreign trade company and the production or supplying
unit shall reach an agreement through consultation concerning the rate of
quality products for export, the rating for the consumption of raw,
semifinished, and auxiliary materials, and the time for delivery.
Those production enterprises, whose rate of quality products for export is
low, thus unable to guarantee the quality of their products, and whose
consumption of raw and semifinished materials and production costs are
high, are not eligible to be engaged in "promoting exports by
12. With respect to the earnings of foreign exchange from commodities for
promoting exports by importation, business accounting shall be carried out
item by item, and the rate of foreign exchange earnings from exporting
finished goods should generally be controlled at the rate from 30% to 50%
or higher. The rate of foreign exchange earnings from products that call
for more sophisticated production technology shall be higher, while the
rate of foreign exchange earnings from products that are turned out with
simpler production technology shall be lower, but it shall not be lower
than 30%.
13. Production enterprises (including state-run farms) that engage in
promoting exports by importation shall try their best to fulfil their
production tasks on time with the required quality and quantity and
deliver their goods on schedule. In the event that a production enterprise
undertakes the task of manufacturing a particular item of export product
in small quantity, with complicated designs and varieties and a very short
time limit for delivery, and consequently suffers a loss in its normal
profit earnings, the foreign trade company shall make compensation for
this by giving the production enterprise a necessary subsidy not included
in the calculated purchasing prices after the foreign trade department and
the relevant departments have reached an agreement through consultation.
14. The making of prices in Renminbi within the country for the imported
goods and materials needed for promoting exports by importation shall, in
principle, be handled in accordance with the current measures for making
prices for imported goods. With respect to a few varieties of export goods
included in promoting exports by importation, which, as a consequence of
the high domestic appropriation prices of imported raw and auxiliary
materials or the high profit and tax rates, give rise to great losses in
exporting such finished goods, so long as the aforesaid varieties of goods
sell well on the international market and the rate of earnings in foreign
exchange is acceptable, they may, with approval, be imported through
agency by the foreign trade department and only service fees shall be
charged or Customs duty/consolidated industrial and commercial tax be
exempted from. The products supplied by production or supplying units for
export shall calculate the production costs in accordance with the actual
appropriation price of the said raw and auxiliary materials imported
through the foreign trade channel.
15. With respect to the retention quota of foreign exchange earnings from
the commodities for promoting exports by importation, the case shall be
handled in accordance with the retention measures prescribed uniformly by
the State. With respect to the business activities carried out for
promoting exports by importation, all regions and areas, all departments
concerned, as well as foreign trade companies and production enterprises,
shall set up special register and compile statistics for the said business
activities, strengthen the cost check-up and accounting, and guarantee the
completeness of all business vouchers and original records.
16. With respect to those production or supplying units engaged in
promoting exports by importation, which maintain better business
performance and higher foreign exchange earnings, higher pay, more bonuses
and welfare allowances may be allowed. As to those production or supplying
units which turn out poor quality products, embezzle imported goods and
materials, and plot to share among themselves the products, an
investigation shall be made into their illegal acts, and their cases shall
be dealt with seriously.
17. To the production or supplying units engaged in promoting exports by
importation, the foreign trade companies should, at any time, provide the
aforesaid production or supplying units with specimens and samples of
foreign advanced products as well as relevant technical data, invite the
personnel from the production or supplying units to participate in
business talks with foreign companies or businessmen, organize, according
to plan, study groups to carry out investigations abroad, and invite
foreign businessmen for technical exchange.
18. All regions and areas, and all departments concerned, should
strengthen the leadership of the work concerning the production of export
commodities for promoting exports by importation, enthusiastically
organize the implementation, and solve the problems arising in production
and supply of goods. The production and supplying units and foreign trade
departments should sum up, in good time, their experience so as to push
forward the steady development of this work.







  第一条 为进一步规范全市农村水电开发建设与管理,合理有序地开发利用水能资源,根据《中华人民共和国水法》及有关法律、法规,结合我市农村水电建设实际情况,制定本暂行办法。
  第二条 本办法适用于我市行政区域内农村水电的开发、建设和管理。
  第三条 水电是清洁、无污染的可再生能源,各级人民政府应积极扶持农村水电的发展,鼓励自然法人和其他组织以合资、合作、独资、招商引资及其它形式从事农村水电开发。
  第四条 农村水电开发实行自建、自管和谁投资、谁受益、谁拥有产权的原则。项目法人(建设单位)对工程建设全过程负总责。
  第五条 发展和改革、水利、环境、国土、林业等相关部门根据各自的职能,认真履行职责,搞好协调、服务和管理工作。
  第六条 流域水电开发规划必须在科学勘察和评价的基础上编制,并符合流域综合规划,具备水资源保护、生态环境保护、防洪和水土保持功能,兼顾供水、灌溉、渔业、航运等方面的用水需求。
  第七条 县内和跨县河流水电开发规划,由相关县水行政主管部门组织编制,报市水行政主管部门审批。跨市河流水电开发规划,由市及以上水行政主管部门组织编制,报省水行政主管部门审批。
  第八条 流域水电开发规划一经批准,必须严格执行。确需修改时,必须按程序报原审批机关批准。
  第九条 农村水电建设必须符合流域水电开发规划和防洪规划要求,其前期工作必须按照规定报市及以上投资主管部门、水行政主管部门审查、核准。凡未纳入流域规划或规划未经批准的项目,一律不予核准。
  第十条 农村水电建设项目必须编制水土保持方案报告书、水资源论证报告书和洪水影响评价报告,并报有审查权限的水行政主管部门审查批准,否则投资主管部门不予核准。
  第十一条 农村水电工程建设必须严格实行项目法人制、招标投标制、建设监理制和合同管理制。
  第十二条 承担农村水电工程勘察、设计、咨询、施工、监理的单位,必须具备相应的资质。
  第十三条 水行政主管部门主管水利工程质量监督管理工作,按照属地管理、分级负责的原则,项目法人(建设单位)必须在水电项目主体工程开工前,到水行政主管部门质量监督机构办理质量监督申报手续。
  第十四条 农村水电工程建设必须确保防洪安全,在建工程每年汛前必须编制防汛预案,报项目所在地水行政主管部门审批,工程涉及县外流域的,报上一级水行政主管部门审批。
  第十五条 农村水电工程建设过程中必须按规定组织阶段验收,在项目竣工后组织竣工验收。未经验收或验收不合格的工程,不得投入使用。
  第十六条 农村水电工程生产运行过程中,必须严格坚持"安全第一"的方针,严格按照国家规定的安全操作规程运行。
  第十七条 所有建成投产(包括试运行)的农村水电工程必须服从防洪统一调度,确保公共安全。
  第十八条 违反本规定,造成责任事故的,依据《中华人民共和国水法》、《中华人民共和国防洪法》、《建设工程质量管理条例》等有关法律、法规的规定进行处理。
  第十九条 本办法自印发之日起执行。